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Nebido 250 10ml Multi-dose vial for Intramuscular injection.

Nebido Testo Testosterone Undecaonate 250mg 10ml Bodypharm

Rp 799.000

Nebido Testo Testosterone Undecaonate 250mg 10ml Bodypharm

Rp 799.000

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Nebido 250

10ml Multi-dose vial for Intramuscular injection.

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Nebido 250 is an injectable form of testosterone Undecanoate, a hormone naturally produced in the male body. Testosterone is involved in the development of male sexual characteristics such as muscle mass, body hair, and deep voice. It works by treating.
Testosterone undecanoate is a longer-acting ester that maintains serum testosterone levels within the normal range without major fluctuations and its longer half-life allows for administration every 3 months after an initial loading dose in a 6-week interval
The typical half-life of Nebido is 15 days. This means the hormone remains active in the body for approximately 15 days after injection.
The recommended dose of Nebido depends on the individual and the condition being treated. A healthcare professional must determine the appropriate dose for each patient.
Common side effects of Nebido include acne, headaches, mood swings, trouble sleeping, and an increased risk of prostate disease. Other possible side effects include low sperm count, infertility, and increased risk of heart disease and blood clots. Nebido should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women or children. Also, people with a history of prostate or breast cancer should not use Nebido.

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